Business analytics has raised major ethical questions. What is an ethical use of data for business purposes?

Data is constantly being collected on the internet. The question is — who owns this data and how is it being used? How is it being shared?

Data from the internet is being “monetized,” which means used to make money. The most familiar example is social media companies selling data on their users. The Facebook scandal of selling data to Cambridge Analytica raised many of the ethical issues associated with this modern age of data. But Facebook is not alone in trying to monetize data and use it to improve company performance.

“Social Dilemma” is a documentary that explores the ethics of data usage on the internet. Data is powerful for the personalization of online services and many people like the benefits of personalization. However, there is a point at which is becomes creepy.

There is a growing need for public dialogue and policy around the issue of data. There is a role for the individual, the corporation, and the government.

Europe has taken a more aggressive policy role in this area than the U.S.

There are many privacy issues related to personal data. Newer generations don’t seem to mind the idea of corporations collecting information about them based on internet activity. However, the idea of a government collecting and using this information seems more threatening. As more information is collected, this information could potentially be used to exercise greater control over people.

Our economy and society will rely more on information in the future. What are the benefits? What are the costs?

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