I regularly speak to a wide range of audiences at conferences, board sessions, and on TV, radio, and podcasts to discuss the topic of cryptocurrency and the growing role of technology in finance.
Has been featured in the
In my graduate course on blockchain, I work with business and computer science students to build real-world blockchain applications.
My website hosts the content that I cover and the courses that I teach.
I teach students at the undergraduate, masters, and doctoral levels.
My approach to teaching focuses on “experiential learning” and the engagement of education in the real world around us.
I currently work as a tenured Associate Professor of Finance in the Driehaus College of Business at DePaul University in Chicago. Prior to my current position, I was an economist at the Federal Reserve in Washington, D.C. I spent eight years working for the Federal Reserve (2005-2013) during the period of the global financial crisis, which has given me a valuable perspective on money, the economy, and financial markets.
My research has been published in the Review of Financial Studies, Journal of Financial Intermediation and Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, among other journals. I am an Associate Editor of Journal of Financial Services Research, Global Finance Journal, and Journal of Financial Stability.