JavaScript (often abbreviated “JS”) is the most popular programming language in the world, because it is one of the core programming languages for the internet. It is often used in association with HTML and CSS. Almost all websites use JavaScript for webpage behavior on the client side. As the name implies, JavaScript is a scripting language.

JavaScript is a good language to learn coding.

An excellent resource for learning JavaScript is the free e-book Eloquent JavaScript : A Modern Introduction to Programming (Third Edition) by Marijn Haverbeke. Chapters 1-4 provide a general introduction to the basics of coding.

If you are interested in blockchain development, JavaScript is important. Solidity is the language for writing smart contracts on Ethereum. However, most Ethereum libraries and tools are written in JavaScript.

JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation and is a general-purpose data interchange format. It is defined as a subset of JavaScript’s object syntax. JSON Wire Protocol is a REST (Representational State Transfer) API that transfers data between the HTTP Server and a client on the internet.

Webpages often incorporate third-party JavaScript libraries.

JavaScript engines were originally used in web browsers. Node.js is a JavaScript runtime system for servers and applications.

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